Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉
Feb 2014
1. Debate on the Policy Address 2014
At the 3-Day LegCo Debate on the 2014 Policy Address, I delivered three speeches totally 30 minutes covering the areas of economic development, housing and planning, transportation, population, education, manpower, youth and environmental affairs. This policy address focuses on poverty alleviation, elderly services, helping the needy and disadvantaged, increasing supply of housing land and other livelihood issues, which responds to some of the demands of society, also helps alleviate the disparity between the rich and the poor. However, it is somewhat scanty at least in three aspects. First, as social welfare spending continues to rise, the sustainability of the Government financial commitments cannot be ignored. Second, there is lacking of long-term and comprehensive industrial policy to promote economic growth. Third, there is not enough attention to the appeal and plight of the middle class. The policy address this year mentioned a lot in infrastructure, housing and planning. I have also repeatedly stressed in my speech that the Government must address manpower needs to support our economic development, and allocate corresponding resources to avoid manpower shortage. In particular, the Government ought to ensure enough professional grades among the civil service team. Please click the link to view my speech:
2. Response to the Budget 2014
On 26 February, Financial Secretary announced the Budget 2014-15 with competitiveness as its main theme. In order to enhance the status of Hong Kong as an international hub, the Government did invest in hard and soft infrastructures. This Budget is far-sighted to put forth financial forecast, reminding the community about a possible structural deficit in the future. Social welfare, medical and other expenses continue to grow although the current economy of Hong Kong still has vitality. How to stimulate economic growth and wealth creation, while not rest on its laurels, is really worthy of serious consideration. The Budget mentioned that shortage of manpower hampers the development of certain industries. I think the community should take a candid and open manner to explore the possibility of admitting from abroad talent and workers not available in Hong Kong to maintain our competitiveness.
3. Conducted duty visit in Europe to study waste treatment
The LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs conducted its seven-day overseas duty visit in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden from 2 March to 8 March 2014. The purpose of the visit is for members to study the development of mainstream and emerging waste incineration technologies in Europe over the past decades and obtain first-hand information on the four countries' experience in planning and operating thermal waste treatment facilities and the potential application of different thermal waste treatment technologies in Hong Kong. During its stay in Europe, the delegation has visited different thermal waste treatment facilities and met with Government authorities, professional bodies and green groups to exchange views on issues of mutual concern.

4. Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2012
Starting from 19 February, a four-day debate on Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2012 was taken up in LegCo. I emphasized repeatedly in my speeches that we should take into account principles of lawfulness, reasonableness and fairness when considering an Ordinance which involves significant economic and livelihood issues. Facing an unbalanced property market, the “two tough measures” launched by the Government is merely a temporary expedient to curb the soaring property prices. Our BPA colleagues moved amendments including “front-end retreat” as well as “sunset clause” which aim to improve the unreasonable and adverse parts in the Bill. Unfortunately, all amendments failed to pass in the LegCo. I believe, to tackle the imbalance between supply and demand of residential properties, the only and ultimate way is to increase lands and property supply as soon as possible.
5. Air Pollution Control (Marine Light Diesel) Regulation
The Secretary for the Environment has, after consultation with the Advisory Council on the Environment, made the Air Pollution Control (Marine Light Diesel) Regulation at Annex on 9 January 2014. The Regulation aims to introduce regulatory control on the quality of marine light diesel, i.e. light diesel oil used by marine vessels, which includes imposing a cap on its sulphur content in order to reduce emissions from vessels. The Regulation was published in the Gazette on 17 January 2014 and tabled at the Legislative Council for negative vetting on 22 January 2014. The Regulation will take effect on 1 April 2014. I joined the subcommittee to examine the Regulation.
II. Articles Published
Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
11 March, 2014
Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
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